
I’m sure you all get it. One minute, you are thinking, oh yes, I need to get around to doing that, and then next minute, it’s a few months later and the thing didn’t happen.

So in this case, it’s a mix of #mumlife and #smallbusinessowner. I had planned to send a thank you email to everyone that had supported me in the first year of Grow Strong being in existence - and that anniversary was in July 2022. Three months late isn’t too late right?

Considering a research study found it takes mums on average 7 years to seek treatment for their incontinence post birth. Yes, seven years. Is it time to do something for yourself and get your health sorted out? I’m trying to spend some more time on improving my health and it’s not going so great yet, so I get that it’s often one of the things that falls off your radar when Kid 1 needs swimming lessons booked, Kid 2 needs to get to their orthodontist appointment and Kid 3 is just having a really off day. Maybe an off year.

I’d like to invite you to sign up to my newsletter and I will drop into your inbox once a month with information about pelvic health, returning to exercise, breastfeeding, babywearing - evidence based tips for practical mothering, as well as a 10% discount if you are looking for a baby carrier or cloth nappies.

THANK YOU so much for your support over the first 15 months of this adventure of mine! If you’d like to support me further, I’d love a way to create more hours…. No, haven’t found a way to do that either?

I’m looking forward to the next year and can’t wait to support you to have a healthy and informed early motherhood period.

Grow strong,


Should I exercise when I’m pregnant?


Managing a baby with intense needs